About clinic
“Open Clinic”— is the guarantee of qualified, reliable and modern medical care for thousands of patients.
Our physicians
For the years of work we gathered the best team of physicians. High-qualified specialists, professionals and fans of their work are ready to perform the medical care in all directions.
Bektemirova Aigul Sagatovna
General physician, cardiologist, 29 years of experience.
Tusseyeva Tamara Matveyevna
General physician, 43 years of expereince.
Bakramova Rizvangul Mansurovna
Pediatric physician, 27 years of experience. Almaty State…
Dautbayev Kanat Abdrakhmanovich
Operating surgeon, 20 years of experience. Almaty State…
Turmanganbetova Banu Zhanayevna
Pediatric physician without category, 33 years of experience.…
Kirzo Alyona Valdimirovna
Family physician, physician of the first category, 15…
Timoshenko Yelena Agabekovna
Pediatric physician, highest category, 24 years of experience.
Chernyakova Yelena Vladimirovna
ENT specialist (children and adult), physician of highest…
Yessenbulatova Aliya Sagintayevna
General physician, 22 years of experience.
Khruleva Valentina Nikolayevna
Cardiologist, 25 years of experience.
Lipiridi Mariya Yevgenievna
Dermatovenerologist, urologist, 22 years of experience.
Kabdulova Roza Kadimovna
ENT specialist, 22 years of experience.